
Course Information

Orient to Couns Edu & Stud Portfoli (COU 5000)

Term: 2021-2022 Spring Semester


Laura Rendon FinnellShow MyInfo popup for Laura Rendon Finnell
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0 Credit Hours

This online course is offered to help students develop a foundation for successful study as counselors-in-training. The course includes an interactive student handbook, outlines academic, ethical, and professional requirements, as well as expectations for personal growth. The course reviews campus resources and services available to students. The course also reinforces students’ skills in learning success, search and identification of credible information, and APA writing style. In addition, the course introduces students to the university’s eLearning platform, which will be utilized to capture student growth and accomplishments throughout the program of study.
Note: This course needs to be taken in the first semester of study.

Availability: Fall