
Course Information

Advanced Play Therapy (COU 5073)

Term: 2022-2023 Summer Semester


Laura Rendon FinnellShow MyInfo popup for Laura Rendon Finnell
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Mon, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (5/8/2023 - 6/27/2023) Location: MAIN MAC 1251


COU 5073 - Advanced Play Therapy
3 Credit Hours
This course provides an in-depth study of play therapy counseling theories, using didactic and experimental mediums to enhance the students’ development of play therapy skills when working with children and adolescents in individual or group counseling settings.
Prerequisite: Currently enrolled in, or have successfully completed, a graduate program in child development, counseling, or mental health related field; completion of COU 5133; COU 5043 or approval of the Professor.
Availability: Summer, A Term