
Course Information

School Counseling Practicum (COU 5733)

Term: 2020-2021 Fall Semester


Laura Rendon FinnellShow MyInfo popup for Laura Rendon Finnell
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David A LawsonShow MyInfo popup for David A Lawson
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Thu, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (8/24/2020 - 12/13/2020) Location: ORLD ORLD 208


COU 5733 School Counseling Internship I
3 Credit Hours
This course provides supervised individual and group counseling experiences and observations with children, adolescents (grades P-12), and families. Attendance at a weekly on-campus seminar as well as a minimum of 100 clock hours with a minimum of 40 hours of direct service is required.
Prerequisite: COU 5133, COU 5233, COU 5703 and the approval of the professor.
Availability: Fall and Spring