
Course Information

Sport Psychology (PSY 3063)

Term: 2010-2011 Fall Semester


Steven T. ZomboryShow MyInfo popup for Steven T. Zombory
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Tue-Thu, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM (8/30/2010 - 12/16/2010) Location: MAIN MAC 1295
Tue-Thu, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM (8/30/2010 - 9/13/2010) Location: MAIN MAC 1295


PSY 3063 Sport Psychology
3 Credit Hours
This course surveys the application of psychological principles and methodologies to various aspects of athletics and athletic performance. Topics include individual philosophies of sport, motivation, personality of coaches and athletes, recreational sports for children, psychological testing, training and learning principles, mind/body relationships, and the effects of anxiety, arousal, and relaxation on performance, and current research in the field.
Availability: On Demand