
Course Information

Psychology of Child Maltreatment (PSY 4133)

Term: 2018-2019 Fall Semester


Gene SaleShow MyInfo popup for Gene Sale
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Tue-Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (8/22/2018 - 12/6/2018) Location: MAIN BOR 233


PSY 4133 Phycology of Child Maltreatment
3 Credit Hours
This course covers the history, comparative perspectives, the legal framework, responses to child maltreatment, the skills necessary to work in child advocacy, and other pertinent issues pertaining to child maltreatment and child advocacy. The field of child maltreatment is fraught with controversy. Much of the class focuses on these controversies. The approach of the course will be from a variety of diverse, professional perspectives but will primarily focus on a psychological perspective. The course is designed for students with interests in criminal justice, education, social work, sociology, psychology, nursing, ministry, paralegal, or other areas where knowledge of child maltreatment and advocating for children might be necessary.
Prerequisites: PSY 2133
Availability: On Demand