
Course Information

Behavioral Neuroscience (PSY 4283)

Term: 2016-2017 Fall Semester


David M ComptonShow MyInfo popup for David M Compton
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Tue-Thu, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (8/24/2016 - 12/8/2016) Location: MAIN LLG 452


PSY 4283 Behavioral Neuroscience
3 Credit Hours
An examination of the current theories, methods, and research in in the field of behavioral neuroscience. Course topics will include a consideration of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, neurotransmitters and neuropsychological processes. A number of the biological mechanisms that underlie psychological processes will also be explored, with topics ranging from learning and memory to sleep and dreaming.
Prerequisite: PSY 2133, PSY 3123, BIO 1101 and BIO 1103 (or equivalent).
Availability: Fall