
Course Information

Research Methods (PSY 4603)

Term: 2009-2010 Spring


David M ComptonShow MyInfo popup for David M Compton
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Tue-Thu, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM (1/11/2010 - 5/6/2010) Location: MAIN LLG 223


PSY 4603 Research Methods 3 Credit Hours Study of the various experimental designs used in behavioral science research. General principles of research design including methods of inquiry, developing good research questions, and choosing a research design will be covered. Experimental, non-experimental, and quasi-experimental designs will be explored, as well as analyzing and reporting data. An experimental research proposal paper is required for the course. Prerequisites: PSY 2133 and PSY 2003; Corequisite: PSY 4611 Availability: Fall/Spring