
Course Information

Coun in Community Agencies Instit (PSY 5423)

Term: 2015-2016 Fall Semester


Christine M KarperShow MyInfo popup for Christine M Karper
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Tue, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (8/24/2015 - 10/17/2015) Location: ORLD ORLD


PSY 5423 Counseling in Community Agencies and Institutions
3 Credit Hours
An introduction to the variety of community agencies and institutions in which counseling and other support services take place. An analysis of the different client populations served by each agency or institution, the different economic and political values impacting the environment of these agencies and institutions, and the unique modalities used in each setting. Attention also given to budget preparation and administration, marketing, clinical and organizational supervision, working with lists of directories, and legal and ethical issues.