
Course Information

Career Dev Practices & Systems (PSY 5443)

Term: 2010-2011 Fall Semester


David A. Wilcox JrShow MyInfo popup for David A. Wilcox Jr
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Mon, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (10/25/2010 - 12/17/2010) Location: ORLD 112


PSY 5443 Career Development Practices and Systems
3 Credit Hours
This course reviews career theories, recent research findings, and processes and analyzes career development. The major focus of the class will not only be the comprehensive analysis of a variety of career counseling theories but will also include specific application of those theories relating to career guidance and planning. Special attention will be given to understanding a Christian perspective on careers and how a uniquely Christian approach to career counseling can facilitate both a life work and a calling in the life of the client.