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Resolutions February 2021

Resolutions passed by the Senate:

1. The Senate should create a list of expert advisors. Each department (chair) should identify the faculty member with the best knowledge of their respective major(s) to create a list of expert advisors. This list can be housed on the Senate mypba page and/or in the Provost’s office. These expert advisors will have no regular duties as a result of being identified, but are identified as a resource for the Registrar’s Office, Academic GPS, and new faculty.

Response from Administration: None

2. to amend the phrasing in the Senate Committee Structure and Guidelines, related to UPC: 1.1 The Undergraduate Programs Committee shall review and recommend policies related to general academic policies related to Undergraduate Curriculum. These policies would include transfer and transient credit, credit by examination, credit for advance placement, professional education credits, retention, graduation requirements, study-abroad programs, the academic calendar, advising, and other such matters affecting the undergraduate academic program as a whole.

Response from the Administration: None

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