Faculty Credentialing Process

Curriculum faculty members are expected to meet the minimum requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to teach the subject matter they are hired to teach. A copy of the SACSCOC guidelines can be found on MyPBA under Accreditation, Assessment, and Research/Faculty Credentialing.

All candidates for full and part time curriculum faculty positions must insure official copies of transcripts and any related licensures, certifications, etc. are submitted to the Office of the Provost (Office of Accreditation, Assessment, and Research) by the end of the semester in which they were hired in order to be eligible to teach the next semester. Unofficial documents are required as part of the application packet. 

Unofficial transcripts and other related licensures, certifications, etc. must be included in the application packet which is forwarded by the dean to the Provost during the justification for hire stage of the employment process.

Unofficial transcripts should be highlighted by the dean or search committee indicating at least the 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline. 

The faculty credentialing section of the Recommendation for Hire is the credential approval from the dean and the faculty (search committee). The discipline or courses to be taught must be specified and the justification included.

The Provost Office sends a copy of the Recommendation for Hire and the unofficial transcripts to the Office of Accreditation, Assessment, and Research for review and addition to the Faculty Credentialing Document (FCD). 

The Assistant Provost maintains the faculty credential folders. The folders contain periodically updated curriculum vitae, official transcripts, the highlighted unofficial transcripts, the Recommendation for Hire form, any related copies of licensure or certificates, and any other documents as needed. These files are accessible only to the President, the Provost, the Dean, the Assistant Provost, or their official representatives, unless written permission is granted by the faculty member.

        a. The Assistant Provost will conduct periodic audits to ensure official
            documentation has been received.

        b. Deans will be notified via email concerning lack of proper official documentation. 

The Faculty Credentialing Document is used to create Faculty Rosters each semester as required by SACSCOC. The Rosters are approved and signed by the Dean and the Provost. A copy of all Faculty Rosters will be available in the Office of Accreditation, Assessment, and Research.

If a faculty member who lacks required credentials is hired under justifiable exception, as approved by the dean and the Provost, written justification is required. The Assistant Provost is responsible for establishing, implementing, and maintaining a credentials portfolio process, subject to the approval of the Provost and Chief Academic Officer, to include what is required for a current faculty member in need of a credentials portfolio – what documents are acceptable, a format for the portfolio, timeline, etc. following SACSCOC guidelines.

        a. A Faculty Credential Justification Form must be completed, approved, and submitted
            to the assistant provost prior to hire.
        b. The Faculty Credential Justification Form and documentation will be included in the
            faculty member’s credential file.
        c. The Faculty Credential Justification Form and Instructions can be found on MyPBA under
            Accreditation, Assessment, and Research/Faculty Credentialing.


The President and the Provost have the final authority to approve or deny a recommended action concerning the Faculty Credentialing process.
Commission on Colleges 
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097


- Guidelines -

Comprehensive Standard 3.7.1 of the Principles of Accreditation reads as follows:

The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its faculty.

When an institution defines faculty qualifications using faculty credentials, institutions should use the following as credential guidelines:

a. Faculty teaching general education courses at the undergraduate level: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).

b. Faculty teaching associate degree courses designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).

c. Faculty teaching associate degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: bachelor’s degree in the teaching discipline, or associate’s degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.

d. Faculty teaching baccalaureate courses: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).

e. Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work:earned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.

f. Graduate teaching assistants: master’s in the teaching discipline or 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline, direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline, regular in-service training, and planned and periodic evaluations.

Approved: College Delegate Assembly, December 2006


  • Ungrouped

    Alternate Credentialing Justification Form 2017.docx
    Transcript Request Form.pdf
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Official Transcripts

Official transcripts documenting all undergraduate and graduate work must be on file in the Office of the Provost (Accreditation, Assessment, and Research). Official transcripts are required from each institution as soon as possible but no later than the beginning of the second semester of teaching. Failure to provide official transcripts by the deadline will result in inactivation of teaching status in the following semester.

Paper transcripts may be sent directly from the college or university to:

Palm Beach Atlantic University
ATTN: Accreditation, Assessment, and Research
901 South Flagler Drive
PO Box 24708
West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4708

The University also accepts official electronic delivery of transcripts. Please email electronic transcript orders to carolanne_brown@pba.edu

If assistance is needed, please confer with the School Dean or with the Office of the Provost.  (Faculty Handbook – Chapter 17)

International Transcripts

All foreign credentials (including those from English-speaking countries) must be evaluated by a third-party company recognized by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services. While the university will gladly accept copies of the foreign transcript, please be advised that only a foreign credential evaluation will be accepted in place of an official transcript. Please visit the link here to find a member service provider. 
Completed, official foreign credential evaluations must be sent directly from the evaluator to the address provided above.