Who's My Student Loan Servicer?This website will provide general information regarding the various repayment options you have as a borrower of federal student aid. For more information regarding your specific loans and repayment options currently available to you, please contact your lender. Lender information can be found on studentaid.gov. Make sure you have your FSA ID and password ready!
Loan Repayment SimulatorThis tool helps you get an early look at which plans you may be eligible for and see estimates for how much you would pay monthly and overall.
Repayment PlansTo make your payments more affordable, repayment plans can give you more time to repay your loans or can be based on your income. For options tailored to your situation, contact your loan servicer for more details!
Did you receive a phone call from the i3 Group? Palm Beach Atlantic University is partnered with the i3 Group who is dedicated to helping students take control of their education loans. Over the past ten years the i3 Group has worked with colleges & universities across the country helping students avoid delinquency and default on their student loans. Their expert concierge advisers have served over three million students by placing them into sustainable repayment plans, regardless of their loan balance or personal income.
For more information you can contact the i3 Group at (866) 296-7955 or visit their website https://www.i-3group.com/
It is recommended that you know how much you have borrowed and who your loan servicer(s) are as you progress at PBA. To view your cumulative student loan history to date, including lender names and contact information, please login to https://studentaid.g...
It’s important to understand that a loan is a legal obligation that makes you responsible for repaying the amount you borrow with interest. Even though you don’t have to begin repaying your federal student loans right away, you shouldn’t...
If you have a dispute over a loan in one of the following loan programs and you cannot resolve it with your school, your lender, or your guarantor, contact the Ombudsman Group of the U.S. Department of Education.
Federal Loans include: