How the ASR Comes About...

Data for inclusion in the annual disclosure of campus crime statistics are obtained from the departmental database of incidents from the West Palm Beach Police Department.  Incidents are tallied based on the reported date, not the occurrence date. Results from University disciplinary proceedings obtained from the Student Accountability Office (Student Development) are included as appropriate. The department is provided by-case results throughout the year and an annual re-cap of all proceedings.
Individuals are strongly encouraged to make all reports requiring timely warning and annual statistical disclosure to the Department of Campus Safety. The department does, however, include statistics collected from the following offices and individuals deemed to have significant responsibility for student and campus activities:
  • Student Development
  • Residential Life
  • Student Activities
  • Wellness Center
  • Athletics Department
  • Human Resources
  • Provost Office
  • Faculty members serving as activity advisors

The University views the annual report as a valuable tool to assist current and prospective community members in assessing the crime risk and making informed decisions on how to reduce personal vulnerability to those risks best. It is important to note that the University includes all reported crimes where a good-faith determination indicates a crime probably occurred regardless of whether an arrest is made or subsequent legal action fails to yield a conviction. This philosophy extends to confidential and anonymous reports to provide a more accurate picture of the environment to the community.

The department prepares monthly reports in the format required by the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.” A year-to-date summary is posted monthly to the department website in addition to the most recent complete annual report.