English Faculty

Alderman, Michaela
Visiting Professor of English and Humanities

Athey, David
Associate Professor of English

Bain, Kimberly
Assistant Professor of English

Elmore, Jenifer
Associate Professor of English
English Department Chair
Assistant Professor of English

Rodewald, Beate
Associate Professor of English
Vilela-Jones, Camille
Assistant Professor of English

Faculty Publications 2013-2014

Anderson, Kathleen

Anderson, Kathleen and Christina Unkel. “‘let him succeed at last, Fanny’: Edmund Bertram as Henry Crawford’s Double in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park?” Sensibilities. 46 ( 2013): 53-68. Print.

Anderson, Kathleen, and Kelsey Satalino. “‘An honest up and down fight’: Confrontation and Social Change in North and South.” The Journal of the Gaskell Society. 27 (2013): 108-125. Print.

Anderson, Kathleen. “Mother Lode of Controversy: As the Mommy Wars Rage on, is it Time Someone Called   a Truce?” Interview with The Boca Raton Observer April 2014: 68.  

Miller, Carl

Miller, Carl. “Apocalypse Without Borders: The Dialectic of Migration in Cormac McCarthy’s The  Road.” Scritture Migranti 6.1 (2013): 53-72.

Miller, Carl. “‘Where the Beat Sounds the Same’: American Psycho and the Cultural Capital of Pop Music.”  Write in Tune: Contemporary Music in Fiction.EDs. Erich Hertz and Jeffrey Roessner. New York:  Bloomsbury, 2014. 55-67.


 Miller, Carl. “Forget Paris: Sherwood Anderson and the American Expatriate Grotesque.” Paris in American Literatures: On Distance as a Literary Resource. Eds.  Jeffrey Herlihy- Mera and Vamsi K. Koneru. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2013. 35- 52.