According to research done by the University of Toledo, the interviewer has most likely sized you up and even decided whether or not to hire you based on the first 10 seconds. For that reason, this information is valuable:

  • Plan a confident and friendly entrance
  • Look like you belong there
  • When meeting new people, 55% of the impact comes from the way the person dresses, acts and walks through the door. 65% of bosses indicate that clothes could be a deciding factor between two almost identical candidates
  • Make the most of your first words and actions
  • Try to click with the interviewer

Although it is important to practice answering the questions that are asked, research conducted by UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian shows only 7% of the communication is the words said. 38% of communication is the tone of voice and 55% of communication is body language. As a result, it is integral to:

  • Shake hands firmly
  • Ease yourself into the chair, do not plop or drop yourself into the chair
  • Keep arms and legs uncrossed and lean in at certain times
  • Utilize eye contact throughout the interview
  • Smile and nod, smile and nod
  • Mirror your interviewer to build rapport
  • Match pace of speech and volume level
  • Adjust posture, gestures, and voice to those of the interviewer
  • Use gestures and keep palms up to convey honesty and engagement
  • At the end of the interview, gather your belongings calmly, rise smoothly, smile and nod your head

Career Development Interview Resources

How To Interview with Success

This guide covers the five steps of interviewing and includes sample questions.
(.pdf, 433K)