Welcome to Palm Beach Atlantic University's Emergency Procedures resource, where the safety and well-being of our community are our top priorities. In unforeseen circumstances, having clear and accessible emergency guidelines is paramount. Whether you are a student, faculty member, staff member, or visitor, it is important to familiarize yourself with the types of emergency alerts PBA will activate in response to a threat on or near our campus and how to respond effectively to various emergencies. At Palm Beach Atlantic University, we are committed to fostering a secure environment, and this resource aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate any unexpected situation with confidence. Your safety matters, and together, we can ensure a resilient and prepared community.


What it means when a “Shelter-In-Place” Alert is received

A Shelter-In-Place emergency alert will be issued for a situation that requires building occupants to remain indoors due to a threat or dangerous incident outside of a building(s). This alert will be used when it is not safe to evacuate your current location.   In some instances, it is safer to shelter in place than to evacuate a building, for example, if there is smoke or fire immediately outside your room; a violent person has been seen on campus, live electrical wires bar access to an exit; there is police activity nearby. When a Shelter-In-Place alert is sent, it means everyone should shelter within a building or other confined area and stay in that location until it is safe to return outside.

How to Shelter-In-Place

No matter where you are, the basic method of sheltering in place will remain the same.  Some situations may however necessitate taking different precautions when sheltering in place. Should the need ever arise, follow these basic steps, unless instructed otherwise by the Department of Public Safety or other qualified PBA University personnel or if the situation warrants: 

• If you are inside, stay where you are.

• If you are outdoors, proceed into the closest building quickly as emergency protocols may prevent the use of PBACard access control devices.  

• If there are others in the building, provide for their safety by asking them to stay – not leave.

• Unless there is an imminent threat, ask students, staff, and visitors to call their emergency contact to let them know where they are and that they are safe.

• Locate a room to shelter inside. It should be:

  • Rooms with no windows or exterior door.
  • The room(s) should have adequate space for everyone to be able to sit in it. Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary.

• Shut and lock all windows (tighter seal) and close exterior doors. 

• Make a list of the people with you.

• Remain as calm as possible and know that the emergency situation is the central focus of emergency response personnel.

• Stay in-place until the danger has passed or conditions warrant an immediate evacuation.  The University will use Rave Guardian and PBA Alert to make an “all clear” announcement.



What it means when a “Lockdown” Alert is received

A Lockdown Alert means placing a locked door or other barricade between yourself and the exterior of the building where a threat exists. A Lockdown Alert will only be initiated for emergencies that present a serious threat to the life and safety of people on campus and are generally associated with active shooter incidents or for a suspected armed and dangerous individual on campus. You must keep in mind that the emergency may be in your building, a neighboring building, or across campus. Regardless, you should stop what you are doing, assess the situation and, if necessary, take whatever action is required for your personal safety.

How to Lockdown

When ordered to Lockdown:

  • Stop what you are doing and immediately assess your environment.
  • Get into an office, residence hall room, meeting room, or other space with little to no windows and lock all doors (use the Nighlock device if applicable).
  • If you cannot lock the door, blockade the door with large, heavy furniture and other bulky objects.
  • Close blinds and turn off lights (including projectors, computer screens, or anything else emitting light.  
  • If unable to get indoors, lie flat on the ground and get behind an obstruction.
  • Remain completely quiet.
  • Silence cell phones and any other noise-producing objects.
  • Stay low to the ground, on the floor, staying away from windows and doors.
  • Take cover under furniture or other large objects, placing as many items as possible between you and the threat.
  • Do NOT peek out windows or doors to see what may be occurring.
  • Do NOT answer knocks on the door.
  • Do NOT evacuate if a fire alarm is activated unless you are positive a fire is occurring.
  • Call or text 911 if a life-threatening emergency is occurring in your immediate vicinity.
  • Help others when able.
  • Remain in your safe location until informed by police or circumstances warrant an immediate evacuation.
  • When the police arrive:
    • Obey ALL commands given by police officers.
    • Do NOT run at them or make sudden movements.
    • Do NOT hold anything in your hand that could be mistaken for a weapon.

For additional information, please review the video below: