Prior Year Review of Unit Assessment and Summary of Findings

August 31– The deans, in cooperation with the school faculty, will review the previous year’s assessment results and determine any changes in program learning outcomes for each program for the academic year, reviewing and updating the program curriculum mapping if necessary.

Establishment of Criteria & Measurement of Outcomes

By October 31 – Deans and school faculty will finalize changes to criteria for success and measurement for each unit’s learning outcomes for the current year. Changes will be recorded in Campus Labs planning module.

Capture of Supporting Documents

September – May – Program coordinators and unit directors utilize the Gallery in Campus Labs for uploading sample student artifacts and other documents that demonstrate assessed results as they are completed.

Annual Assessment of Objectives

May 31 – Program coordinators and unit directors report assessed results and use of results for each objective. Supporting documents are linked from the Campus Labs Gallery to the Planning module for demonstration of achievement. A summary narrative is completed for each academic program or administrative unit across the institution.

Multi-Unit Annual Summary

June 30 – Deans and supervisors of multi-unit departments will prepare an annual statement which links overall School/departmental goals with the institutional mission and strategic plan. This narrative is expected to provide context for the work of the units in that School/department.

Prior Year Institutional Review and Comments

June 30– The Assistant Provost and faculty on the SACSCOC Coordinating Council will review the unit goals and summary narratives for the previous academic year and provide feedback to colleagues.

Prior Year Final Edits

August 1 - Deans, program coordinators and unit directors finalize additions and edits as requested by the SACSCOC Coordinating Council.