What is assessment?

Assessment is the method of "closing the loop" on planning in a systematic cycle. According to one definition, assessment if "the maximum and review of evidence representing levels of performance, accomplishment and knowledge."

Who does assessment?

All areas of the University, including administrative units, academic administrative offices, and academic programs, complete assessment each year and submit reports for a cycle of review outlined in the Annual Planning and Assessment Plan. All assessment is reviewed by the SACSCOC Liaison in the Office of the Provost in conjunction with members of the SACSCOC Coordinating Council.

Why do assessment?

The type of assessment done to link back to planning is formative in nature; it is "focused on providing feedback to support improvement."

How does assessment relate to planning?

Planning and assessment are separate but related issues; combining the two allows efforts to be fused and intentional. This collection allows for a robust process in which growth is nurtured and sustained.