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Results for stamp duty first time buyers
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    ....  To be eligible for this employment authorization the student must be enrolled full-time for at least one academic year (unless enrolled in the graduate program). F-1 students must first obtain an offer of employment before applying for this authorization, and the duties must relate to the student's program of study. Students are permitted to work no more than 20 hours per week if authorized for part-time CPT.  If authorized for full-time CPT, students are permitted to work more than 20 hours per week, but this will affect...
    other content in CPT in International
    .... If a student reaches full time enrollment (Full time enrollment is 12 credit hours) in Term A, all funds will be disbursed to their Student Account prior to the Term A anticipated refund. If a student reaches half time enrollment (Half time enrollment is 6 credit hours) in Term A, only student loans and ½ of the Pell Grant will be disbursed to their Student Account. Only if ½ of Pell and student loans generate a refund, will a refund check be issued for half time students in Term A. Once enrollment verification has been completed a second time (this time for Term B), the remaining Pell and FRAG...
    other content in Refunds in Student Accounts
    General Information
    ... WHAT IS THE FEDERAL TEACH GRANT? The Federal TEACH Grant is a program for which full-time day undergraduate students, seeking first degree in Education, with an eligible GPA can apply. Students are required to teach in a high-need field at a low-income school for four years post graduation. Students must have also successfully passed the First Screening process and formally been accepted...). ELIGIBILITY Formal acceptance into the Education Program in the PBA School of Education Successful passing of First Screening Have a declared major of Secondary Education/Mathematics or Elementary...
    other content in General Information in Financial Aid
    ... F-1 students are permitted to work part-time (maximum of 20 hours per week) on-campus while school is in session and full-time (maximum of  40 hours  per week) during official school breaks. Authorization from the Admissions Office nor an updated I-20 is required.  However, F-1 students  must  apply for a social security number to begin working (see instructions under "F-1 Benefits... 5 additional hours in another department. Upon initial entry to the US, F-1 students cannot begin employment more than 30 days prior to the first day of classes. F-1 students may not engage...
    other content in On-Campus in International
    Health Alerts
    There are no health alerts on campus at this time.  
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    Florida Prepaid
    ...Florida Prepaid     If you have a Florida Prepaid Plan, you must first fill out a transfer authorization form and send this to Florida Prepaid, to the following email address:    It takes Florida Prepaid approximately 4-6 weeks to process this form.  Once Florida Prepaid has processed your form, they will send confirmation to PBA and an estimated amount will show on your student account.    Florida Prepaid will pay private universities an average rate set by the Florida Legislature.  These rates are subject to change at any time.  Rates for the new...
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    Tuition Exchange Policy
    ...” and student “imports.” To be eligible to apply for your dependent’s scholarship, you must meet all of the following criteria: You must be a full-time employee, as defined by the Human Resources Department... is defined as the dependent child of an eligible employee who has applied for full-time undergraduate study to a college or university that participates in the TE program. Guidelines for Tuition Exchange (TE):   Palm Beach Atlantic University will sponsor every dependent child that is awarded the TE scholarship for either nine semesters or five and one half years, whichever comes first. By November 1...
    Student Loan Definitions
    ... Loan.  AmortizationThe process of gradually repaying a loan over an extended period of time through periodic installments of principle and interest.  BankruptcyA person is declared bankrupt when... for a specific period of time during repayment. Under certain specified conditions, lenders must grant deferments to eligible borrowers. Because deferments defer principal payments, a borrower must... during the repayment time period during which the borrower is approved to "defer" or delay payment on principal. Unsubsidized Stafford borrowers continue to owe interest during periods of deferment...
    Apply for Federal Financial Aid
    ... PREPARE Gather all documents needed to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The 2025-2026 FAFSA requires your 2023 tax information. COMPLETE The 2025-2026 FAFSA opened December 1,2024. We strongly encourage you to complete the FAFSA as early as possible to ensure that you have enough time to complete any missing financial aid documents or make any necessary... Your aid will be disbursed after the Office of the Registrar completes enrollment verification each semester. Your aid will first be applied to your tuition, fees, and miscellaneous charges. Any...
    Graduate/Professional Loans
    ... To apply for Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loans you must first complete the FAFSA. Once you successfully file the FAFSA you will need to complete the Loan Entrance Counseling session and Master Promissory Note (MPN) to accept the loans in your financial aid offer. After you file the FAFSA you may apply for a Graduate PLUS Loan. Instructions are located on the right-hand side! Eligibility for the Graduate PLUS loan is as follows: You must be a graduate or professional student enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program leading to a graduate or professional degree You must...
    Tuition Protection Plan
    ... with Student Life Assistance: a 24-hour hotline to help students stay safe on and off campus.  At Palm Beach Atlantic University, we want our families to have peace of mind during their entire time with us. Insurance must be purchased prior to first day of classes. Coverage extends through the end of that semester. Tuition insurance is completely optional. The agreement you enter...
    January 2008 Update
    ... is based on one group only – first-time, undergraduate students.  The retention rate that is published nationally and reported to IPEDS is based on the following definition: Retention - A measure of the rate at which students persist in their educational program at an institution, expressed as a percentage. For four-year institutions, this is the percentage of first-time bachelors...UCAP Responses to Community Day Suggestions Suggestion: Perform a comprehensive facilities usage survey Response:  National Management keeps track of the time used for set-up and take-down...
    Campus Mobility Registration
    ... per student at the time of registration, availability permitting.   Please provide the color, make, model, and serial number of your bicycle. All bicycles manufactured after 1968 have been issued... from the front and side and keep these photos easily accessible on your phone. Motorcycle parking is found in the Dixie Parking Garage, on the first floor, and alongside Wallingford Place (outside... or on the rear fender. Scooter parking is found in the Dixie Parking Garage, on the first floor, and alongside Wallingford Place (outside the Greene Complex). Please take a picture of your motorized scooter...
    Faculty Reports Description
    ... with the course enrollment. For the FT/PT reports, determination was made as to the instructor’s full-time or part-time status and the percentages were calculated. Full-time status was determined using the following criteria: those marked FT were those full-time faculty who hold a Letter of Agreement as a full-time faculty member. Deans and Associate Deans who teach were also considered full-time since... agreement or as adjuncts) were not counted as full-time faculty.  For the terminal degree reports, determination was made as to the faculty's attainment of a terminal degree in the discipline, only...
    FT/PT Reports
    ...Core Requirement 2.8 Faculty The number of full-time faculty members is adequate to support the mission of the institution and to ensure the quality and integrity of each of its academic programs... the quality and the integrity of an institution's academic programs. Moreover, the mission of the institution will govern the type of faculty employed, including the number and distribution of full-time faculty members. The achievement of the institution's mission with respect to teaching, research, and/or service will require a critical mass of permanent, full-time, qualified faculty to provide direction...
    Refund Check Dates
    ... eligible for disbursement. If a student reaches full time enrollment (Full time enrollment is 12 credit hours) in Term A, all funds will be disbursed to their Student Account prior to the Term A anticipated refund. If a student reaches half time enrollment (Half time enrollment is 6 credit hours) in Term A, only student loans and ½ of the Pell Grant will be disbursed to their Student Account. Only if ½ of Pell and student loans generate a refund, will a refund check be issued for half time students in Term A. Once enrollment verification has been completed a second time (this time for Term B...
    other content in Refund Check Dates in Financial Aid
    Sailfish Dining
    ..., and we are also open for all NCAA Greene Complex events!     Located on the first floor of the Warren Library, Starbucks is synonymous across the globe with a comforting and aromatic coffee... Student Center, Jack's Market combines the amenities of a corner store with the style of a modern market. Featuring grab ‘n go dining options for breakfast, lunch or any time of day, including freshly...
    other content in Sailfish Dining in Auxiliary Services
    New Students
    ... at 561-803-2576 or email Required Forms Graduate, Evening, and Part-time Students Click on Forms to access all the required forms.  Complete the electronic TB Risk Screening Form. Full-time Undergraduate and Additional Bachelor Click on Forms to access all the required forms. TB Risk Screening Form Immunization History Form - All Full-time Day Undergraduate... - All Full-time Day Undergraduate students attending PBA's Main Campus must have a doctor complete a physical within 12 months prior to your start date. Pharmacy, Nursing, and Athletic Training...
    other content in New Students in Counseling & Wellness
    Daily Activity Log
    ...Under federal law, we are required to make the activity logs accessible to the public for the prior 60 days.  If you are looking for information that is dated prior to the dates shown, requests must be made in person at the Campus Safety and Security Office.    Logs only reflect the log number, officer handling, call type, and time dispatched.  ...
    other content in Daily Activity Log in Public Safety
    What is Federal Work Study?
    ... WHAT IS FEDERAL WORK STUDY? Federal Work Study (FWS) is a government program that helps provide part-time employment to students with financial need. Eligibility for FWS is based on the information reported on the FAFSA. Being a FWS student allows you to explore career fields, develop communication, organization, and time management skills, and build a professional network. You will also enjoy the positive Christian work environment, on the job training, and flexible hours and work schedules. Job availability may be limited. Once you determine your eligibility, apply early for jobs! HOW...
    Severe Economic Hardship
    ... Severe economic hardship is a form of employment authorization that allows F-1 students to work off-campus.  If granted, the authorization will be granted in increments of one year.  An F-1 student must prove to the USCIS that off-campus employment is necessary due to circumstances beyond his or her control that arose after obtaining F-1 status.  Examples include a natural disaster, currency devaluation or change in family circumstance.   Authorization is limited to 20 hours per week while school is in session and can be full time during official school breaks...
    ...    Welcome to the Office of Career Development! Our office can help you at whatever stage you are in, from freshman year through life after graduation. We can help you with selecting a major, experiential learning, career search and preparation through counseling, special events, resume-building, internship searching, career resource library, vocational and strengths-based assessments and networking opportunities.   Visit the office for more information on full and part-time job placement, internships, graduate schools and careers.   Contact us Office of Career Development...
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    Mission & Vision
    ...MISSION The mission of the Office of Faculty Development is to promote a university culture of continual quality improvement in all aspects of academic instruction and to assist individual full-time and adjunct faculty members in the pursuit of teaching excellence.   VISION The vision of the Office of Faculty Development is a faculty characterized by expertise in their respective disciplines, as well as a scholarly commitment to excellence in the discipline of education.  PBA faculty members are scholars of teaching who never cease to learn and grow as teachers.  They engage students...
    ... deadline. Applications for Graduation are processed in the order in which they are received. There is no specific amount of time in which you will receive your Graduation Audit, and you are not guaranteed to receive it before registration opens for the following Fall semester. The only time frame that is available is that it will be received by the aforementioned add/drop deadline.   Any... for Graduation are processed in the order in which they are received. There is no specific amount of time in which you will receive your Graduation Audit, and you are not guaranteed to receive it before...
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    Custom Content
    ... 9780323776653 NUR 2003 HY Spring In-person Subterm A, starts the first in-person session on Tues 1/9/2024 from 1-2:50 pm in the School of Nursing, OCE #118. NUR 2003 Z01 Spring Online Subterm A, starts the first online session on 1/9/2024 from 4:00 pm-5:00 pm in an online Teams meeting.   Looking forward to our class and meeting you! Fundamentals Theory NUR 2004 Welcome to Fundamentals of Nursing....  ISBN-13: 978-0323551120   Looking forward to meeting all of you at our first class!! Health Assessment Welcome to Health Assessment for the Fall of 2024!   You will find a copy of the spring 2025...
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    Philosophy of Faculty Development
    ... members must grow and evolve in their pedagogies to keep pace with rapidly changing academic environments and new generations of students.  At the same time, we must endeavor to connect with students... small, collaborative learning groups or one-on-one guidance. One-time workshops, lectures or seminars are seldom of value in developing faculty.  Personal growth is best achieved through training that is conducted over time as part of an ongoing, longitudinal theme.     ...
    Direct Federal Loans
    .... Eligibility for Direct Federal loans includes: be a U.S. citizen, national, permanent resident, or other eligible non-citizen be enrolled at least half-time not have defaulted or owe a refund on any..., as determined by the FAFSA. No interest accrues while a student is enrolled at least half-time, during the grace or deferment periods. Students can borrow up to $5,500 in direct subsidized loans per year... at least half-time. Interest accrues once the loans are disbursed, even during the grace or deferment periods. Students can borrow up to $7,000 in direct unsubsidized loans per year depending on what...
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    First Year Students
    ...Parking Update - First-Year Residents Hello Sailfish,We want to make sure you are aware that PBA's Parking Committee determined that incoming resident freshmen (including freshmen with completed credit hours) will not be eligible for on-campus parking permits in their first year of study. This is to ensure that sufficient parking will be available for students who commute to campus and those in their second year and beyond who live there.To serve our incoming freshman student families, PBA's neighbors at One Parking have established a discounted rate in parking garages at CityPlace...
    other content in First Year Students in Public Safety
    Know Your Repayment Options
    ... payments more affordable, repayment plans can give you more time to repay your loans or can be based on your income. For options tailored to your situation, contact your loan servicer for more details! ...
    Community Foundation Scholarship
    ...Quick facts: The scholarship application takes each student an average of 20 minutes to complete The average scholarship award is $10,000 We award an average of 100 students each year We offer both need, and merit-based scholarships   Eligibility: 2.5+ GPA Graduating high school senior or current undergraduate student from Palm Beach or Martin County Demonstrate financial need and/or academic achievement Incoming or enrolled full-time student at a college, university, or vocational/trade school   To apply: Unofficial Academic Transcript Completion of 3 short essay...
    ...     Your Source For Textbooks, Apparel, Electronics, Snacks, and More PBA's Campus Bookstore offers Course Materials, Supplies, Electronics, Dorm Basics, and PBA merchandise to our students, alumni, and friends. Within easy access of all campus buildings, the Bookstore also hosts periodic poetry readings and book discussions. We provide t-shirts, polo shirts, shorts, backpacks, personal health and beauty products (gotta have the sunscreen!), school supplies, and stuffed animals too!   We are located on the first floor of the Lassiter Student Center, at the corner of South Olive Avenue...
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    Medical Emergency Contacts and Procedures
    ...If you have a medical emergency while on campus, contact the Department of Public Safety at (561) 803-2500 for assistance.    For life-threatening emergencies, always dial 911 first and then call Campus Safety and Security!   Additional Resources: For Mental Health Support, text or call the Suicide Hotline at 988.   Text or call 211 to provide connections to available resources and support 24/7.   Sailfish Health service offers 24/7 access to mental telehealthcare at no cost during your visit! Students can access care through the TimelyCare app, which can be downloaded on the app...
    General Education Program
    ... of learning. Thus, it is both a sacred duty and a worthy investment. Overview and Requirements The General Education program prepares students to be:   A citizen of the professional community - The General...
    Downtown Opportunities
    ... Map of Local Opportunities Workship Opportunities Map   Transportation Options Here are some easily-accessible transportation options for some Workship locations: Brightbike Brightbike is a bike rental service run through Brightline. Bikes can be rented from any station throughout downtown and dropped off at any other station. Downloading their app makes for a quick and convenient service. The interactive map shows nearby bike stations and tells you how many bikes are available at a time. Bikes are about $5 for 30 minutes of ride time, and you will need to bring your own helmet. You...
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    Turn Your Interview into a Job Offer
    ...According to research done by the University of Toledo, the interviewer has most likely sized you up and even decided whether or not to hire you based on the first 10 seconds. For that reason, this information is valuable: Plan a confident and friendly entrance Look like you belong there When meeting new people, 55% of the impact comes from the way the person dresses, acts and walks through the door. 65% of bosses indicate that clothes could be a deciding factor between two almost identical candidates Make the most of your first words and actions Try to click with the interviewer...
    Electronic I-94 Retrieval
    ... Admission to the US as an F-1 student is evidenced in most cases by a Form I-94 that reflects the date and class of admission. There are both paper and electronic versions of Form I-94.  It is highly recommended to print your I-94 each time you re-enter the US to ensure you have been entered into the US on the correct Visa type, F1. F-1 students are granted the electronic version of the Form I-94.  To access the electronic, I-94 record, go to the I94 - Official Website ( website. Select "YES" to agree to the terms and enter the required information.  This electronic record includes...
    Is Graduate School Right for Me?
    ...There is no doubt that a graduate degree can immensely benefit your career, or even be required for it. Before you begin the process of writing personal statements and taking your GRE’s, however, take a step back and ask yourself if this is the right step for you right now. Statistics support the idea that graduate school will boost your salary and your chances of employment, but it’s important to look beyond these potential benefits to really figure out if graduate school is a worthwhile investment for your career. A graduate degree takes a lot of time, energy, and money! Depending...
    Shuttle Service
    ...  The shuttle service, facilitated by the Department of Public Safety, serves the student community's needs for transportation between campus properties. Please reference the times posted below. The new residence halls are a priority for our transportation services, and we aim to provide a scheduled route to and from these locations, fully encompassing the weekdays' academic schedules. Additional hours on the weekend will also ensure ease of access to campus resources (library/study areas, dining facilities). At this time, the shuttle route will not be available on-demand, or after hours...
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    Dean's Academic Excellence List
    ...Dean's List At the completion of each semester, students who have excelled in their academic coursework are selected for the Gregory School of Pharmacy Dean’s List. This honor represents a distinct accomplishment and recognizes students’ initiative and perseverance in achieving academic excellence. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must be enrolled full-time in good standing, and achieve a term GPA of at least 3.50 in all Doctor of Pharmacy coursework (excluding electives outside PBA Gregory School of Pharmacy) with no grades below “B” during that semester.     Fall 2024 Class...
    Looking for a Job?
    ... for application deadlines and direct messages from employers. Finding a job can be daunting, but Handshake is here to help you take the first step towards building a great career and fulfilling your...
    Consultative Services
    ...All You Have To Do Is ASK The Director of Faculty Development is available to consult with individual faculty members on an as-needed basis regarding any aspect of pedagogy, teaching strategy, course design, or classroom management. Interested faculty members should first obtain approval of their respective deans before requesting assistance. Consultative services fall into three major categories: Peer Feedback – S it in one or more class sessions to assess the instructor’s performance based on personal observation...
    ... full-time positions to over 60% of interns who successfully complete their internships. This is the trend because it costs employers much less to train and onboard a proven intern than it costs to hire...
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    Parent PLUS Loans
    ... GENERAL INFORMATION Direct PLUS Loans are referred to as Parent PLUS Loans when the borrower is a parent of a dependent student. The PLUS loan is an unsubsidized loan available to the parents to help pay for educational expenses that are not covered by other financial aid. Eligibility for the Parent PLUS Loan is as followed: You must be the biological or adoptive parent (or in some cases, the stepparent) of a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half-time at an eligible school You must not have an adverse credit history You must meet the general eligibility requirements...
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    Payment Options
    ...Payment Options Please follow the steps below to access our payment portal where students can view, print, and pay their bill.  Go to Log into your myPBA using your credentials (Student Credentials) Click “Departments” > then click on “Student Accounts” Click “LAUNCH STUDENT ACCOUNT CENTER” Click “TRANSACTION DETAILS” located beside the overall balance to view the bill breakdown                                                                                                                     You may also click here to make a one-time payment.  You may also call...
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    Know Your Professors
    ..., Kathleen. “Mother Lode of Controversy: As the Mommy Wars Rage on, is it Time Someone Called   a Truce?” Interview with The Boca Raton Observer April 2014: 68...
    The Theme
    ...Palm Beach Atlantic University desires to maintain our leading edge in teaching and learning. We choose to assess, enhance and maintain our main and external campus facilities to sustain our superior learning environment. Our comprehensive master plan is designed to meet the enrollment growth needs of our full-time, traditional, and evening graduate students as well as our students learning in a venue beyond our University walls. Our desire is to optimize the learning experience for each student through outstanding facilities. Palm Beach Atlantic takes great pride in our...
    other content in The Theme in the group Vision 2010 - PBA's Strategic Plan
    Looking for a Job?
    ... search. Apply directly for jobs in Handshake.  Print out your resume and visit the departments you’re most interested in; introduce yourself to them in person. This will set a good first impression...
    Undergraduate Loans
    ... To apply for Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loans you must first complete the FAFSA. Once you successfully file the FAFSA you will need to complete the Loan Entrance Counseling session and Master Promissory Note (MPN) to accept the loans in your financial aid offer. Instructions are located on the right-hand side! To view your cumulative student loan history to date, including lender name(s) and contact information, login to using your FSA ID and password.   Yearly Loan Limits Class Credit Hours Dependent Student Independent Student...
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    Summer Statement Information
    .... The first installment and $25 enrollment fee is due upon setup   Payment Methods Allowed: ACH Payments from Checking or Savings accounts. Credit Card payments (2.99% charge on every transaction...
    The Theme
    ...     Increasing first to second year student retention rates to 80%. 4.2     Increasing overall graduation rates to 70%. 4.3     Monitoring student achievement in courses. 4.4     Responding...
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